The Phoenix Rises

A PEACE Of My Mind!

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A Key To Success

One of the keys to your success or failures is dependent on the company that you keep. (Take a good look at your inner circle and adjust accordingly if it does not make you a better person or help you with your life.)

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So apparently someone I know, who I thought was a good stand up guy, and was climbing in his company as a rising star, and I thought was so smart, and blessed with a beautiful wife, and two little boys (one just born not too long ago), his wife had posted on Facebook about him having an affair going back to when she was pregnant. Good for her posting it on his FB! I feel so bad for her and his boys! I am so disappointed in him. I no longer think he is as smart as I thought he was. He couldn’t even be a big and strong and admiral guy to love, respect, and protect his family enough from being so f’n stupid and selfish, and shallow, and shattering their lives. It has changed my view sadly enough…. 😦

I’m not going to condone bad behavior! Yes we all make mistakes. But we cannot smile at it and ignore it. We must disapprove of bad behavior and make sure it doesn’t happen again by learning from it. There is nothing wrong with a lecture or a scolding about it. It means and shows we care by demanding better!

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To those grieving over lost loved ones:

Be happy to have met the person who was in your life whether or not it was for short or long time. Remember the relationship you had with that person. Remember the good feelings they gave you. Cherish the moments in time you had with them . Cherish the difference they made in your life no matter how big or small it was.
Know that the universe recycles. Their flickering light will never go out if you remember it in your heart. The flame will come back another time.
We will all meet again in another life as we have before.
The sun is made of a mass of energy that gives love and life around it. When the sun dies it will comeback a new star. We are all made up of atoms, and molecules, and particles, that is glued by the love that gives us life. And when a new star comes back from old dust, and breathes again, it will bring us back. Our soul, our spirit, comes from a spiritual world. And in this material world our bodies are just clothes, or masks to identify ourselves in the material world. But our spirit, our soul, given breath from love and to love, will never die. Our love will live on. It’s what gives us life!

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Our Existence

Over the years, after my own trials and tribulations, I became a catch and release guy. Any bug crawling through my home is given a better chance by being moved to my garden outside. “Why? It’s just a bug.”, I can hear you say.

After things I have encountered and experienced so far in my life, I have come to some spiritual, existentialist, and scientific theories of my own. Regarding life in this universe, I believe we are given life, which is a very unique gift. And to sustain that, we have only one mission. To survive. We need three things to help that mission if we must go it alone without much help. Food. Shelter. Clothing. Obtaining those things is the most we can do for ourselves right off the bat. Then on out, it’s “enjoy the journey!”, till your time is up.

So, I see that simple little bug crawling on the floor in my house. Searching for food, or shelter, or both. And I refuse to kill it. Who am I to play the role of god? I don’t want to decide if something lives or dies. Maybe I can reward that simple little creature by putting it out in the garden and it having a better life out there, finding a better adventure on it’s way to find food. Maybe the elements outside will kill it. Maybe a bigger beast will use the bug for food. But surely, it won’t get much of a shot in my house. So I’ll give it better odds, by being outdoors which has more to offer it, good or bad, but a longer life chance. Maybe it’ll find a mate, which wouldn’t have good odds in my house. Would you like it if someone gave you a better chance in life? I’d rather do that to the smaller species than give it the end of it’s existence.

I got thinking as I started to write this blog, what if we are in a situation in life, where we are forced to see a change and have to move from where we are in our life. It seems that happens to us from time to time. We are comfortable crawling on a floor looking for something, when we are forced to move, have a change in our life, and put in a new situation. Is the new situation bad, because it’s a new place for us? Maybe where we were at in our life, wasn’t such a great place for us to be and grow, that we are moved. Maybe a higher power has picked us up and placed us in the garden, where there is more to offer us. We just don’t see that. Maybe we don’t see it at all, or maybe we see it as a negative.

No. I’m not going to play god, much less a mean one, squishing that bug. He’s trying to exist and survive just as I am. We have that same thing in common. Whether or not we want it, whether or not we ask for it, we all need help with our lives sometimes. And sometimes that help comes in ways we can’t fathom. Imagine the possibilities by opening up our minds, through looking at the tiny things like a little bug, in order to see a bigger picture.

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Please for the love of god, follow me on Twitter @flemmingcarlson and “LIKE” my F.E.Carlson stand up comedy page on Facebook! I NEED YOU! And if you find anything you like please, RETWEET OR SHARE with your circle. I want your support!!!